Sunday 20 April 2014


this is Sugar, my baby niece.
she's Simone's baby sister and shann's and barr's second baby.
she's the weirdest and sweetest thing in the world and i love her to death.
im so lucky and proud to be aunty to such a gorgeous little sweetheart.

Thursday 3 April 2014

my favourite dood.

the beauty of Gillman Barracks.

this place has the strangest things lying around.

nature, i adore thee.

FOALS 2014.

Foals is always a good time.

as green as we say we are,

we clearly arent green enough.

Cat Cafe Neko No Niwa.

its near impossible to get proper shots of any of the cats when there are nineteen other people in that tiny little room all squeezing in front of/behind/next to you with their own cameras/phones to get the same picture youre trying to get, but these were my favourites from the day i was there.